Relationsbetween China and the EU have developed fast sincediplomatic ties wereestablished in 1975. In particular,the creation ofthe China-EU Comprehensive StrategicPartnership in 2003 has deepened andbroadened cooperation in a wide range ofareas,and China and the EU have become highly interdependent as aresult.
Theworld of today is experiencing profound and complex changes.As important actorsin a multipolar world, China and the EUshareresponsibility for promoting peace, prosperity and sustainabledevelopmentfor the benefit of all. They agree to continue to consolidate anddevelop theirstrategic partnership to the benefit of both sides,based on the principles of equality, respect and trust. The EUreaffirms its respect for China’ssovereignty and territorial integrity. Chinareaffirms its support to EUintegration.
Chinaand the EU have both put forward strategic developmentplans - China’s twocentenary goals and 12th Five Year Plan, the EU 2020 Strategy - whichpresent potential for synergies toenhance cooperation for win-win results. Thetwo sides are committed topromoting the China-EU Comprehensive StrategicPartnership in the next decade.
Inthat perspective, both sides jointly adoptedtheChina-EU 2020 Strategic Agenda for Cooperation. The two sides will fullyimplementthe Strategic Agenda for Cooperation through their annual Summit,which provides strategic guidance to the relationship;through the three pillars directly underpinning the Summit (theannual HighLevel Strategic Dialogue, the annual High LevelEconomicand Trade Dialogue, and the bi-annual HighLevelPeople-to-People Dialogue); through their regular meetingsofcounterparts and through their broad range of sectoral dialogues.
Theseobjectives will be reviewed annually and reported to theSummit which will,when appropriate, consider further complementaryinitiatives.
I.Peace and Security
當今世界多極化和經濟全球化深入發展,文化多樣化、社會信息化持續推進。各國相互依存增加,利益交融前所未有。然而,世界仍然很不安寧。國際金融危機影響深遠,全球發展不平衡加劇,國際和地區沖突頻繁發生。傳統安全威脅和非傳統安全威脅相互交織。但和平、發展、合作、共贏已成為時代主流。促進多極化仍然 是切實有效、協調一致應對全球性緊迫挑戰的關鍵。中歐作為多極世界的重要力量,致力于加強在雙邊、地區和全球層面的對話與協調,攜手應對地區和全球性挑戰,推動國際秩序和國際體系朝著公正合理的方向發展。
The world’s trends toward multipolarity andeconomicglobalisation are deepening. The importance of cultural diversity isgrowing,and an information society is fast emerging. Countries areincreasinglyinterdependent, with their interests morecloselyintertwined than ever before. On the other hand, the world is still far frombeing peaceful. The globalfinancial crisis has had a far-reaching impact.Imbalance in global developmenthas widened. International and local conflictskeep breaking out. Conventionaland non-conventional security issues areinterwoven. However, peace,development, cooperation and mutual benefithave become the trend of thetimes. Promoting multilateralism remains crucial toensure effective, coordinated and coherentresponses to pressing globalchallenges. As important actors in a multipolarworld,China and the EU commit to enhancing dialogue andcoordinationat bilateral, regional and global levels,to meet regional and global challenges together, and work to make theinternational order and system more justand equitable.
Thiswill be achieved by the following key initiatives:
1.Consult fully and effectively on major bilateral, regional and internationalissues of mutual concern. Enhancecoordination on strategic,political and security issues withinthe China-EU High Level Strategic Dialogue.Use this platform to increasemutual understanding, deepen mutual trust,buildcommon ground, and provide strategicsupport forpromoting bilateral relations and safeguarding international peaceanddevelopment.
2.Strengthen dialogue and communication on international andregional issues withmajor implications at the global level. Enhanceconsultations on Africa,Central Asia, Latin America and the respectiveneighbourhoods of the Chinaand the EU.
3.Reinforce cooperation in all relevant trans-regional andregional fora,in particular ASEM and the ARF,and contribute to sustainabledevelopment and the building of an equal, open,transparent and inclusive regionalarchitecture in Asia. Both sides agree thatthe EU’s participation in the EastAsia Summit, based on consensus,would be useful.
4.Reinforce cooperation in multilateral fora, including coordination beforemajor meetings, to establish a rules-based,more efficient, transparent,just and equitable system of globalgovernance, emphasise multilateralism andthe central role of the UN ininternational affairs and value the role ofmultilateral organisations andplatforms such as the G20. The EU looks forwardto China hosting a forthcomingG20 summit.
5.Strengthen coordination and cooperation, working for just,reasonable, and effective rules in keyfields,suchas international trade and investment, finance,environment and climate change,the Internet and a new generationof wireless communication technology.
6.Reinforce cooperation on promoting nuclear security,strengthening the international non-proliferation regime andrelated exportcontrol arrangements, and combatting thesmuggling ofnuclear material.
7.Support and promote the establishment of a peaceful,secure,resilient and open cyber space, promoting mutual trust andcooperation through such platformsas the China-EU Cyber Taskforce.
8.Deepen exchanges on human rights at the bilateral andinternational level on thebasis of equality and mutual respect. Strengthen theHuman Rights Dialogue withconstructive discussions on jointly agreed keypriority areas.
9、 在《聯合國打擊跨國有組織犯罪公約》和《聯合國反腐敗公約》框架下,在打擊跨國犯罪、非法移民、網絡犯罪等方面開展具體項目合作,適時就反恐問題舉行專門磋商。中歐應相互通報刑事犯罪、有組織犯罪、小武器非法貿易、綁架、偷渡、非法移民、販賣人口、洗錢、造假、毒品、經濟金融案件等犯罪活動,并開展聯合行 動。加強警務培訓合作。
9.Strengthen China-EU cooperation under the framework of theUnited NationsConvention against Transnational Organised Crime and the UnitedNationsConvention against Corruption. Collaborate on projects combatingtransnationalcrime,illegal migration, and cyber-crime,and hold special consultations onissues of anti-terrorism at an appropriatetime. China and the EU should keepeach other informed on criminal activities,organised crime, illicit trade in small arms,abduction, human smuggling,illegal migration, trafficking in human beings,money-laundering, counterfeiting,and drugs, as well as economic andfinancial cases, and take joint actions.Cooperation on police training shouldbe strengthened.
10.Hold regular dialogues on defense and security policy,increase training exchanges, and gradually raise thelevel ofChina-EU dialogue and cooperation on defense and security,advancing towards more practical cooperation.
11.Continue cooperation on maritime security, including on counter-piracy,and conduct jointcounter-piracy exercises.
12.Develop joint activities to promote maritime safety andsecurity;share expertise in relation to relevant international law;develop exchanges on the Arctic,including joint researchprojects.
13.Intensify co-operation with a view to promoting andfacilitating the delivery ofhumanitarian aid solely based on the needs ofpeople affected by disaster orcrisis,and in accordance withhumanitarian principles.
中歐經貿關系是世界上規模最大、最具活力的經貿關系之一。雙向貿易和投資成為促進中歐各自經濟發展和創新的主要動力。中歐都肩負著繼續拉動世界經濟增長,實現共同繁榮的重要責任。雙方致力于塑造發展創新、增長聯動、利益融合的世界經濟,堅定維護和發展開放型世界經濟。為此,中歐決心本著互利的精神,進 一步深化面向2020年的貿易與投資關系,促進開放、透明的市場和公平的競爭環境。特別重視為中小企業提供更多機會。
Chinaand the EU enjoy one of the world’s biggest and mostdynamic tradingrelationships. Their trade and investment exchanges have becomea major enginedriving their respective economic development and innovation.Both sides shareresponsibility for ensuring that their economies remain keydrivers for globaleconomic growth and providing prosperity for all. They arecommitted to buildinga world economy where all countries enjoy development andinnovation,interconnected growth, interests converging,and firmly safeguarding and developing an open world economy.In thatperspective, they are determined to enhancefurthertheir trade and investment relationship towards 2020 in a spirit ofmutualbenefit, by promoting open,transparent markets and alevel-playing field. Particular importance will bepaid to improvingopportunities for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs).
I.Trade and investment
1.Reaffirm the importance of the annual High-Level Economic andTrade Dialogue asan essential forum for planning and guiding the developmentof China-EU economicand trade relations as well as taking strategic decisionson important trade,investment and economic issues.
2、 商談并達成一份全面的中歐投資協定,涵蓋雙方各自關心的問題,包括投資保護和市場準入。中歐投資協定有助于逐步提升投資自由化水平并為雙方投資者進入各自市場消除投資限制,通過確保雙方長期可預見性的市場準入,為雙方投資者提供更為簡單、安全的法律環境,并為投資者及其投資提供有力保護。這一涵蓋所有歐盟 成員國的全面投資協定將取代中國與歐盟成員國之間現有的雙邊投資協定。
2.Negotiate and conclude a comprehensive China-EU InvestmentAgreement that coversissues of interest to either side, including investment protectionand market access. The China-EUInvestment Agreement will provide forprogressive liberalisation of investmentand the elimination of restrictions forinvestors to each other’s market. Itwill provide a simpler and more securelegal framework to investors of bothsides by securing predictable long-termaccess to EU and Chinese marketsrespectively and providing for strongprotection to investors and theirinvestments. It should replace the existingbilateral investment treatiesbetween China and EU Member States with one singlecomprehensive agreementcovering all EU Member States.
3.Negotiating and concluding such a comprehensive China-EUInvestment Agreementwill convey both sides’ joint commitment towards strongercooperation as well astheir willingness to envisage broader ambitionsincluding,once the conditions are right,towards a deep and comprehensiveFTA,as a longer termperspective.
4.Strive to create the conditions for continued high and soundgrowth in China-EUtrade.
5.Increase exchanges on public procurement policies in order toaccelerate andcomplete the process leading to China’s accession to the WTOGovernmentProcurement Agreement.
6、 加強在多邊層面,特別是二十國集團和世界貿易組織,在全球經濟治理問題上的協調。推動多哈回合談判。中歐將努力推動世貿組織成員在世貿組織第九屆部長級會議上就貿易便利化、部分農業議題和發展議題達成一致,并在此基礎上,為未來談判制定路線圖。為此,雙方將努力就《信息技術協定》擴圍談判達成一致。雙方致 力于全面完成多哈回合談判。
6.Step-up coordination at the multilateral level, notably on global governanceissues dealt with by the G20 andWTO, pushing forward the Doha roundof negotiations. China and theEU will strive to get WTO members to reachagreement on trade facilitation andsome agriculture and development-relatedsubjects at the 9th WTO MinisterialConference and, on this basis,lay out a roadmap for furthernegotiation. In this context,they will strive to reach an agreementon the review of the ITA. Both partiesare dedicated to the full conclusion ofthe Doha round of negotiations.
7.Make full use of the existing bilateral mechanisms tostrengthen communication,handle major bilateral trade frictionsthrough dialogue and consultation as apreferred option, and,if needed, through negotiations,with an objective offinding mutually beneficial solutions.
8.Both sides recognise that it is critical to follow WTO ruleswhen undertakingtrade remedy investigations or imposing trade remedy measures,to prevent their abuse. Commit to administer anti-dumping andcountervailingduty investigations in a fair, objective and transparentmanner.
9.Promote practical win-win cooperation between China and theEuropean InvestmentBank.
10.The EU takes note of China’s intention to explore optionsfor closer cooperationwith the EBRD, in order to supportinvestment inEuropean countries.
11.Confirm the leadership and coordination role of the China-EUJoint CustomsCooperation Committee (JCCC) in strengthening China-EU Customscooperation;sign a new Strategic Framework for China-EU Customs Cooperationfor 2014-2017,with special focus on border enforcement of IPR, supply chain security,anti-fraud and tradefacilitation and external trade statistics.
12.Reinforce the Intellectual Property Dialogue mechanism so asto strengthencooperation for combatting counterfeiting and piracy as well asmake full use ofthe new technical cooperation programme in that regard.
13.Confirm their commitment towards internationalstandardisation and notificationof any standards-restricting market access.Both sides will commit to enhancethe use of the existing China-EuropeStandardisation Information Platform,informing about the roleof standards regarding market access in China andEurope,and to encourage industry participation in the standardisationprocess. Bothsides will explore how to continue training of China-EUstandardisation expertswithin the EU-CTP framework.
14.Ensure the stability of financial markets, also through the recentlyestablished Chinese Yuan/EuroBilateral Currency Swap Arrangement between thePeople’s Bank of China and theEuropean Central Bank,which is to serve as a backstopliquidity facility reassuring Euro area banks ofthe continuous provision ofChinese Yuan, increase the use of RMB incross-border trade and investment, promote China-EU trade andinvestment facilitation and maintainfinancial stability.
15.Explore innovative modes of financial cooperation to improveaccess to financefor enterprises, in particular SMEs,and make full use of the advantage of financial institutions inprovidingdiverse financial services.
16.Exchange best practices in the area of e-commerce, in particular with regard to itsregulatory aspects fromdifferent angles.
17.Strive to conclude their negotiations for a comprehensiveagreement onGeographical Indications (GI), strengthen cooperation inthefield of GI protection and supervision and combating counterfeiting inGIprotected products, while jointly promotingcoordinateddevelopment between GI products protection on the one hand andeconomy andtrade on the other.
18.Continue and strengthen cooperation in the consumer non-foodproduct safety area,including the functioning of the RAPEXChina system. Intensifycooperation on product risk assessment, risk management and marketsurveillance to support thesimplification of conformity assessment procedures.
19.Commit to reach an agreement on the adoption of the GlobalStandard on AutomaticExchange of Information being developed by the OECD,together with G20 countries in the area of taxation.
II.Industry and information
1.Enhance the China-EU Industrial Dialogue and ConsultationMechanism,strengthen policy exchanges to facilitate industrial productstrade,particularly in the fields of automobile industry, industrial energy efficiency,raw materials, ship building and small andmedium sized enterprises.
2.Reinforce the China-EU Dialogue on Information Technology,Telecommunication and Informatisation, conduct exchanges and dialogueson related strategies, policies and regulations.
1.Make full use of the China-EU Cooperation Plan in Agricultureand RuralDevelopment under the auspices of the annual bilateral AgriculturalDialogue toenhance cooperation in the fields of sustainable agriculturalproduction,organic agriculture, rural developmentandagricultural research.
2、 在保障糧食和食品安全、城鄉統籌發展、建立環境友好型農業模式、保障農產品質量安全等領域設計具體合作項目。加強食品安全方面的合作,保護消費者健康。認識到食品安全對消費者健康、健全的食品市場、經濟發展和社會福利起著關鍵作用,突出中歐在食品安全方面持續且富有成果的合作,強調風險分析應是建立任何形 式的食品安全政策、法規及規定的基礎。
2.Design concrete projects in ensuring food security and safety,coordinating urban and rural development,buildingenvironmentally-friendly agricultural systems whileensuring quality and safetyof agricultural products. With regard to foodsafety,intensify cooperation with the objective to protect consumerhealth,recognising the importance of food safety as a key element forconsumer health,sound food markets, economic development andsocialwelfare,highlighting the continuous and already fruitful cooperationbetween China andthe EU on food safety,and underliningthat riskanalysis should form the foundation of any food safety policy,laws and regulations.
3.With the view to enhance win-win research and innovationcooperation in thefield of food, agriculture andbiotechnology,China and the EU will collaborate closely using theirrespective research andinnovation programmes to develop joint initiatives ofcommon interest,including potential joint calls for proposals, twinning activities,joint labs, researchers’ exchanges andseminars.
4.Enhance cooperation on fisheries management and the fightagainst Illegal,Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing.
IV.Transport and infrastructure
1.Implement, as early as possible,the Letter of Intent on cooperation in the field of civilaviation between CAACand DG MOVE signed on 23 August 2013.
2.Strengthen cooperation in developing smart, upgraded and fullyinterconnected infrastructure systems.Expand cooperation in interoperability ofseamless supply chain logisticsnetworks between Asia and Europe,maritime markets androutes, rail services,logistics, safety,and energy efficiency.
3.Actively explore models of infrastructure cooperation,including project bonds, project shareholding,joint contracting and co-financing, and further coordinate thecooperation among China, the EU and its Member States inthe above-mentioned fields.
III.Sustainable Development
實現創新、包容和可持續發展是中歐共同面臨的任務。國際社會應采取積極措施,應對氣候變化,保護環境,提高國際能源市場透明度,推動制訂資源高效利用、著眼長遠、社會包容和低碳發展的政策。新興綠色產業的發展有助于促進世界經濟的可持續發展,并為中歐企業創造新的商機。綠色增長應成為中歐主要的戰略和務 實合作領域。中歐致力于繼續促進各自環境旗艦項目的合作,最大程度發揮中國生態文明建設和歐盟資源效能戰略的對接效益。中歐一致認為,創新對實現可持續發展具有重要意義。有效的知識產權保護對支持創新解決方案和新興產業的有效發展和應用至關重要。此外,為保證社會可持續發展,應解決社會和醫療保障、確保充 分有效就業、老齡化等一系列重要的社會挑戰。中歐還肩負促進全球發展的共同責任。
Chinaand the EU face the common task of achieving innovative,inclusive and sustainable development. Addressing climatechange,protecting the environment,promotingtransparentinternational energy markets and facilitating resource-efficient,far-reaching, socially inclusive andlow-carbondevelopment policies are high on the international action list.Emerging greensectors contribute to sustainable growth of the global economyand are creatingnew business opportunities for Chinese and European companies.Green growthshould therefore become a key area of strategic and practicalChina-EUcooperation. China and the EU are committed to continue promotingcooperationon the environmental flagship initiatives developed respectively byChina andthe EU, with a view to maximising themutual synergies between China’secological civilization and the EuropeanUnion’s resource efficiency agenda.Both sides agree that innovation has animportant contribution to make toachieve sustainable development,and that effective protection ofIntellectual Property Rights is crucial tosupport the effective developmentand deployment of innovative solutions andemerging industries. In addition, in order to ensure sustainabledevelopment, a number of important socialchallenges need to be addressed, including social security andhealth care, high and quality employment anddemographic ageing. China andthe EU have a common responsibility for advancingglobal development.
I.Science,technology and innovation
1.Reinforce cooperation on science, technology and innovation,involving industry, universities and researchinstitutes, so as to tackle commonchallenges;complement mutual strengths anddeliver win-win results in the areas of humanresources,skills,technology, research infrastructure,financing of innovation, exploitation of researchfindings,entrepreneurship and frameworkconditions for innovation within the frameworkof the China-EU Agreement forScientific and Technological Cooperation. Employthe China-EU Steering Committeeand the China-EU Innovation CooperationDialogue to this end.
2.Establish a China-EU cluster cooperation initiative tostrengthen collaborationin fields of strategic interest such as sustainablegrowth and urbanisation.
3.Joint research and innovation initiatives will be furtherexplored,in particular in the areas of food, agriculture and biotechnology,sustainableurbanisation, aviation,water,health and ICT, by developing joint fundingprogrammesand promoting enhanced mutual participation of Chinese and EUresearchers andinnovators into respective programmes.
4.Continue the implementation of the Joint Statement oncooperation in new andrenewable and energy efficient technologies on the basisof common interest andmutual benefit and with special focus on participationof SMEs whereappropriate.
5.Strengthen cooperation in the multilateral framework of theITER project andbuild a strategic bilateral partnership on fusion energyresearch. Strengthenexchanges and cooperation on nuclear safety, nuclear fuel cycle,nuclear emergency response, nuclear waste management andnuclear security.
II.Space and aerospace
1.Enhance information exchange in the fields of earthobservation,geo-science, space science and explorationunderthe framework of the China-EU Space Technology Cooperation Dialogue andGroupof Earth Observation, identifying projects promotinggreendevelopment.
2.Reinforce cooperation in the fields of space science andspace application,establish a consultation mechanism andexplore a long-term plan to identifycooperation projects and actions of mutualinterest.
3.Promote information exchange on Copernicus remote sensingdata as well asGalileo and Beidou navigation satellite systems. Discusscooperation onsatellite data exchange and applications. Enhance cooperationfor civil purposebetween their respective global navigation satellite systems.Continue to deepenexchanges and cooperation in manned space. Supportcooperation in space industryand in commercial fields.
1.Reinforce cooperation on energy issues, with a special emphasis onglobal energy security within theframework of the Energy Dialogue.
2.Implement a roadmap for China-EU energy cooperation,in order to reinforce exchanges and cooperation in fields ofenergy legislation,policy and standard formulation.
3.Further explore cooperation in low-carbon energy technologies,which will support sustainable economic growth.
4.Bring into play such existing cooperation platforms as theChina-EU Clean EnergyCentre (EC2), encourage enterprises totakepart in EC2 enterprise alliance and cooperate on pilot projects.
5.Address the issue of nuclear energy development in a safe andsecure mannerthrough a general EURATOM agreement and closer scientificcooperation.
6.Reinforce cooperation in energy regulation in order to shareexperience andpromote best practices both regionally and internationally,thereby enhancing consistency in energy policy-making in eachcountry as well asthe efficiency of the energy market. China as an observer tothe Energy CharterConference by invitation will further develop itsrelationship with the EnergyCharter.
1.Carry out cooperation and promote advanced technology andmanagerial experiencein sustainable urban development planning, urban infrastructure andmanagement and urban-rural integration, including transparent andequitable consultative procedureswith public and business stakeholders.
2.Ensure the success of the China-EU Urbanisation PartnershipForum,the China-EU City Expo and the China-EU Mayors’ Forum,improve the governing framework of the China-EU Partnership,support the development of numerous relevant city pairings andsteer China-EUurbanisation cooperation by the Joint Steering Committee of theChina-EUUrbanisation Partnership. Support the development of the EC-Link asacooperation platform to enhance the impact of the Partnership.
socio-economicissues,good administration, natural and cultural heritagepreservation, green and low-carbon development,disasterprevention and control, urban mobility and eco-buildingsandconstruction standards in the building sector.
4.Actively build demonstration cities, support China-EU urbancooperation projects, promote cooperation betweencities,and between cities and industrial parks and enterprises,creating a level playing field for all stakeholders involved,and reinforcing cooperation in the fields of finance andinnovation to elevatethe quality and level of urban development.
V.Climate change and environmental protection
1.In response to the recent reports of the IntergovernmentalPanel on ClimateChange,enhance the implementation ofeffective international climate change measuresunder the UNFCCC and its KyotoProtocol, and contribute to the process ofthe Durban platform forenhanced action and the implementation of the outcomesof the Doha Conference.
2、合作支持補充倡議,旨在把全球平均溫升較工業化前控制在2攝 氏度以內。共同努力并與其他國家一道,通過多邊渠道包括利用《蒙特利爾議定書》的專長和機制,在審查經濟適用型和技術可行性替代措施的基礎上,逐步減少氫氟碳化物的生產和消費,同時繼續把氫氟碳化物置于《聯合國氣候變化框架公約》及其《京都議定書》排放計量和報告范圍內。
2.Cooperate to support complementary initiatives, with a view to reducing globalgreenhouse emissions so as tohold the increase in global average temperaturebelow 2°C above pre-industriallevel. This will include working together andwith other countries throughmultilateral approaches that include using theexpertise and institutions ofthe Montreal Protocol,to phase down the production andconsumption of HFCs,based on the examination ofeconomically viable and technically feasiblealternatives, while continuing to include HFCswithin the scope of the UNFCCCand its Kyoto Protocol provisions for accountingand reporting of emissions.
3.Welcome the world leaders Climate Summit planned by UNSecretary General Ban KiMoon in September 2014 and help the global shifttowards a low carbon economy.
4.Cooperate on achieving a strategic policy framework of greenand low-carbondevelopment for actively addressing global climate change,improving the quality of the environment and facilitatingbusiness-to-businesscooperation within the green sector.
5.Facilitate the building of China’s emission trading marketand use of marketmechanism in addressing climate change through a China-EUemission tradingcapacity building project. Enhance practical cooperation inbuilding China-EUlow-carbon cities, communities and industrialparksand controlling greenhouse gas emission. Develop low carbon technologiestopromote extensive use of renewable energy to reduce consumption offossilsources of energy and corresponding emissions.
6、 加強在航空環境保護和可持續發展方面的合作,探討如何處理航空對環境的影響,具體包括:探索建立中歐民航業節能減排領域長期合作機制;促進環境友好航空減排技術的研發;增進對航空排放影響的科學認識,為政策制定提供依據;致力于控制和減少航空排放的空管創新;可持續航空生物燃油的研發與推廣;綠色機場的設 計、建設與高效運營;各種減排措施影響的定量分析方法學和技術。
6.Strengthen cooperation on aviation environment protection andsustainabledevelopment, and discuss how to handle theimpactof aviation on the environment. This should include:exploring the development of a long-term mechanism for thecollaboration betweenChinese and EU civil aviation industries in ECER; facilitating the research anddevelopment ofenvironmentally-friendly technology tackling aviation emissions;improvement of scientific understanding regarding aviationemissions impacts inorder to better inform policy decisions; air traffic managementinnovation to limit and reduceenvironmental aviation emission;research,development and promotion ofsustainable bio-fuels for aviation; design,construction and efficient operationof green airports;methodologies and technology forquantitative analysis of the impacts of variousemission reduction measures.
7.Continue dialogue and exchange experience on regulatorymatters and environmentalstandards and research.
8.Express readiness to explore opportunities and work togetherin the WTO on thebasis of APEC’s liberalizations of trade in environment goodsand services.
9.Cooperate on tackling air, water and soil pollution,chemical pollution, sustainable wastemanagement andresource efficiency within consumption and production,as well as environmental pollution emergency action.
10.Promote conservation and sustainable use of forests andbiodiversity inparticular on the valuation of ecosystem services,natural capitalaccounting and innovative financing mechanisms;implement the Strategic Plan 2011-2020 of the Convention onBiological Diversity(CBD) and the Convention on International Trade inEndangered Species of WildFauna and Flora (CITES).
11、 加強中歐水資源交流平臺合作,推動水政策對話、聯合科研和商業合作,共同應對與水有關的各類挑戰,例如水的總量(水資源緊缺、干旱、地下水、城市水系統、水與安全的關系),水的使用效率(水循環、工業用水、水與食物的關系、水與能源的關系),水的質量(減少污染、河床管理)以及水災害。
11.Strengthen the China-EU Water Platform to promote waterpolicy dialogue,enhance joint scientific research and business cooperation witha view toaddressing water challenges such as water quantity (water scarcity,drought,ground water, urban water systems,water and security nexus), water use efficiency (waterrecycling, industrial water use,water and food nexus, water and energy nexus),water quality (pollutionreduction, river basin management),and water disasters.
Enhanceexchanges and cooperation on comprehensive oceanmanagement,ocean spatial planning, marine knowledge,marine observation and surveillance, R&D of marine science andtechnology, growth of the marine economy andocean energy use.
VII.Regional policy
Promotemutual understanding and cooperation in the field ofregional policy. Continueto ensure the success of the China-EU High LevelDialogue and Seminar on Regionalpolicy,carry out exchanges onmajor regional policies including growth,competitiveness, innovation,regional cooperation, and coordinated regionaldevelopment. Conduct joint research onbasic and forward-looking issues ofregional development, continue the capacity trainingprogramme for related personnel, encourage direct contacts andcooperation between respectiveregional and local authorities and promote pilotdemonstration projects.
VIII.Social progress
1.Reinforce dialogue on social policies, promote social security andsocial cohesion, full and quality employment,occupational safety andhealth, decent work,so as to address a number of challengessuch as youthemployment, social welfare,social assistance, demographic ageing,as well as migration flows and cross-country mobility.
2.Jointly implement the China-EU Social Protection ReformProject and the China-EUOccupational Safety and Health Project in High RiskIndustries,and make better use of the existing dialogue mechanisms.
3.Enhance cooperation with the International LabourOrganisation,in order to further promote the decent work agenda.
4.Expand dialogue and exchange in the field of health,including through cooperation with the World HealthOrganisation,especially the cooperation in antimicrobial resistance,e-health,prevention of cancer and regulatorydialogue on pharmaceuticals,with a view to ensuring the health andsafety of citizens.
5.Expand dialogue and exchange concerning the rights of personswith disabilitiesaccording to the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons withDisabilities (UNCRPD) in order to advance inclusion, counteract discrimination andremove barriers.
IX.Public policy
1.Based on the principle of equality and mutual trust,continue to develop dialogue and cooperation on legal andadministrativeaffairs.
2.Develop a China-EU Public Policy Dialogue Mechanism as animportant andlong-term platform for dialogues,exchanges and cooperation in thepublic policy field.
3.Acknowledge the activities of the Round Table between theChina Economic andSocial Council and the European Economic and SocialCommittee,which was established by the 9th China-EU Summit, and call for its dialogue andactivities to be further expanded, in particular in the fields ofsustainable development, as well as trade and investment.
4.Promote policy exchange and facilitate cooperation andexchange of expertise indisaster prevention, preparedness and responseto naturaland technological disasters.
X.Cooperation on global development
StrengthenChina-EU dialogue and cooperation on majorinternational development issues,as well as theirrespective development policies, including efforts to formulateandimplement post-2015 development agenda and sustainable development goals.Bothsides agree to start an annual development dialogue at senior officiallevel.
IV.People-to-People Exchanges
People-to-peopleexchanges are an essential vector of peace, while contributing to economicdevelopment. Together China andthe EU represent over a quarter of the world’spopulation. Expanding contactsbetween peoples on both sides is crucial toenhance common understanding andfoster cross-fertilisation between societies.
I.Culture,education and youth
1.Fully harness the leading role of the China-EU High LevelPeople-to-PeopleDialogue (HPPD) and promote the role of people-to-peopleexchanges as the thirdpillar of China-EU relations. Pursue the objectives setup in the China-EU HPPDJoint Declaration. Carry out the actions agreed in the“HPPD Follow-up Actions”document and seek new ways of strengthening theircooperation.
2.Anchor cultural cooperation on the principles of the 2005UNESCO Convention onthe Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of CulturalExpressions. Upgradedialogue on culture policy,and strengthen mutual cooperationin the fields of cultural industries, heritage preservation andcontemporary art. Continue to promoteintellectual exchanges between the twosides in various forms and fora, including the China-EU HighLevel Cultural Forum.
3.Based on the principle of equality and friendship, encourage China and EU MemberStates to establish culturalcentres. Boost long-term and stable cooperationbetween major culturalinstitutions and between important art festivals.
4.Encourage the learning of the Chinese language and EUlanguages in the educationsystems of the EU and China.
5.Expand students and scholars exchange, and support mutual exchangevisits of young people. Worktogether on the China-EU Youth Policy Dialogue andthe China-EU Symposia onYouth Work Development. Continue to implement theChina-EU Youth Partnershipfor Friendship Programme supported by China,and the EU Youth Actionsunder Erasmus+.
6.Continue dialogue on education policy, notably in the framework of theHigher Education Platform forCooperation and Exchanges,and strengthen the compatibility ofChina’s and the EU’s education systems,via “Tuning China” andother initiatives.
7.Continue to support the establishment of centres for Chinesestudies and centresfor European national and regional studies by European andChinese institutions.
8.Promote exchanges and cooperation between China and the EU inthe fields ofpress,publication, radio,film and television.
II.Facilitation of people-to-people exchanges
1.Welcome the launch of the 2013 China-EU Mobility andMigration Dialogue,and continue to explore ways offacilitating exchanges for Chinese and EUcitizens, including mutual visa exemptionfor holders of diplomaticpassports, while strengthening cooperationon illegal migration.
2.Implement the 2013 Joint Statement in the field ofsustainable tourism by Chinaand the EU; in particular,set up a regular China-EU Tourism Dialogue and informationexchange mechanism onrespective initiatives and best practices in thedevelopment of sustainabletourism;facilitate exchange ofinformation on the safety protection of tourists;andpromote tourist flows,including thedevelopment of commonprojects.
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